#4 Symbols and Codes of the Bible: What they mean for us today!

The Mysterious 666 Exposed!
Prepared by: Simone Flynn


1. Why is 666 a most dreaded number in the Bible?
Revelation 13:15-17_____________________________________________________.
Note: The number 666 is the “the number of the Beast” (1st Beast—The Papacy). One must have the mark of the Beast (or the name of the beast, or the number of his name) in their forehead or in their right hand, or they won’t be able to buy or sell (no monetary transactions). This is also associated with worshipping the “image of the beast” or be killed.
2. What is the “image of the Beast” and the worship it promotes?
Revelation 13:14-15_____________________________________________________.
Revelation 16:13-14 ____________________________________________________.
Note: The image of the Beast will completely form when the Lamb-like Beast (USA) speaks (make laws) like the dragon (Rev. 12)—persecute God’s people, take away religious freedoms (like the Papacy did during the 1260 dark ages) etc. This 2nd Beast (USA) will force the world to worship (give spiritual allegiance) to the 1st Beast (The papacy). It will be the religious churches (protestant America/false prophets) by means of false miracles (false fire/Holy Spirit) done in the sight of the beast (in allegiance with the papacy), that will be used to deceive people into requesting the “image of the Beast.” Thus, the image to the Beast is a religious-political system that will be set up in the USA, similar to what the Papacy had during the 1260 dark ages (see Article #1). Notice the three-fold union in this scenario: the dragon (Satan), the Beast (Papacy) and the false prophet (Protestant America—see Matthew 7:15).
3. What does the Bible mean by “a mark,” in relationship to the Beast, is it literal?
Revelation 14:9-12______________________________________________________.
Revelation 16:1,2________________________________________________________.
Revelation 15:2_________________________________________________________.
Note: The word “mark” has various meanings in the Bible based on the contexts. However, in relationship to the Beast (a blasphemous, Satan/dragon controlled power) “the mark of the Beast” is related to worship, and the commandments of God. It is the worship of the Beast and his image (false worship) that leads to God’s wrath and destruction of those that have the “mark of the Beast.” Those living in the generation of the “Mark of the Beast” must overcome this spiritual test related to worship and obeying God’s commandments. Those who are victorious will make it to heaven, and sing praises on the sea of glass before God.
4. Why is the “forehead” or “right hand” chosen for the “mark of the Beast”?
Jeremiah 3:3,6-8_________________________________________________________.
Ezekiel 3:7-9_____________________________________________________________.
Deuteronomy 6:1,6-8____________________________________________________.
Note: Israel had a “whore’s forehead” and a “forehead harder than a flint” which meant that Israel was rebellious and had backslidden. They were worshipping idols etc., disobeying God’s commandments. At this stage, Israel had refused to confess and repent, and live in obedience to God. Thus, the “forehead” is used to represent the mind, or the choices we make to obey or disobey God’s words or commandments. And “the hand” represents what we do in response to God’s commandments.
5. Since “The-Mark-of-the-Beast” if from the 1st Beast, the Papacy, what do they claim to be this mark? Read the following:
“One day a man picked up Peter Geiermann’s Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine and read the following on page 50:
Q. Which is the Sabbath day?
A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.
Q. Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
A. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.
The man was dumbfounded and supposed there must be some mistake so he wrote a letter to the then famous James Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, and asked if the Catholic church did, indeed, change the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. The Cardinal replied, “Of course, the Catholic church claims that the change was her act. And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.”
Notice, also, the following words from The Catholic Record of London, Ontario, Canada, September 1, 1923: “Sunday is our MARK of authority…the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.”
Read More: http://www.jlfoundation.net/papacy.html

Note: In question #3 the “Mark of the Beast” is related to worshipping God and obeying His commandments. Question #4 “the forehead” and “the hand” are related to our minds and the choices we make to obey or disobey God’s commandments. In Daniel 7:24-25, the 4th Beast (The Roman Empire) would “think to change times and laws…” The Roman Catholic Papacy/The Beast’s mark of authority is Sunday worship which they confessed to have changed from Saturday to Sunday, and as the Bible predicted. Thus, when the Lamb-like Beast (The USA) speaks like a dragon and becomes an image of the Beast, it will make laws relating to worship—enforce Sunday worship (the Mark of the Beast). We will receive the “The mark of the Beast” in or “foreheads” or “right hand” based on our choices, and what we do to disobey God’s commandment of true Sabbath, Saturday worship (Exodus 20:8-11). This will be the great test for Christians. There will be a death penalty (Rev. 13:15), and we will not be able to do any monetary transactions (Rev. 13:17).
6. What is the real truth about the number 666?
Revelation 13:17-18__________________________________________________.
Revelation 13: 5-7____________________________________________________.
Daniel 7:8, 20,24-25__________________________________________________.
Note: Notice that 666 is another characteristic of the Beast system, and separate from “the Mark of the Beast.” The Bible is clear that 666 is “the number of a man”. “The man” in this Beast system is called the “little horn with eyes like the eyes of man” or “a king of fierce countenance” (Dan. 8:23). “The man” speaks blasphemies etc, which we have already identify as the leader or “king” of the Roman Church/Papacy, the Popes. Thus, we must find this number in relationship to the Popes. And it is a number that we must count:

A Title of the Popes: VICARIUS FILII DEI
THE LITERAL MEANING: VICARIUS – substituting for, or in place of
FILII – means son
DEI – means GOD

V = 5
F = no value                     D = 500
I = 1                       I = 1                                    E = no value
C = 100                  L = 50                                 I = 1
A = no value        I = 1                                    ——–
R = no value        I = 1                                     501
I = 1                      ——–
U/V = 5                  53
S = no value

——–                                                                               112 + 53 + 501 = 666

It is obvious that this title of the Popes is blasphemous (John 10:33). Not to mention, the power and spiritual authority the Popes claim, to change the Saturday Sabbath to Sunday, forgive sins (Mark 2:7)etc. See article #2.
7. How do we avoid the “Mark of the Beast” and the Number 666?
Revelation 14:6,7,12__________________________________________________.
Revelation 2:9________________________________________________________.
Note: Since the “Mark of the Beast” is about worship, and the enforced Sunday worship, God points us to keep His commandments. God also points us to worship Him that made heaven and earth, as our Creator, which points to the 4th Commandment (Ex. 20:8-11)—the Seventh Day Sabbath commandment. When the Lamb-like Beast (the USA), enforces the false Sunday worship of the 1st Beast (The Papacy), with the great test of being killed, and not being able to buy or sell, if we accept this false Sunday worshipping system, we will also participate in blaspheming God. The Bible calls this: “worshiping the Beast and His image” (Rev. 14: 9) and if we accept this false worship, we will be considered apart of the “synagogue of Satan.” We will not be considered those who make up the true church of God (spiritual Jews—Romans 2:28-29). To remain true to God, we must have “the faith of Jesus.” See Romans 3:22.
Articles to Read
1. http://www.finalevents.com/Event2/dark-ages.asp?p=O
2. http://www.666numberofthebeast.com/666numberofthebeast.html
Next Lesson#5: The Seal of God!

Author: sparkthefire803912280

I love to travel, meet new people, learn about cultures, have engaging conversations and spread the love of God!

2 thoughts on “#4 Symbols and Codes of the Bible: What they mean for us today!”

  1. Amen!
    Satan has for so long manipulated many people into believing that this mysterious number will literally be stamped upon one’s forehead or hand. However, according to the Bible and this lesson, it is clear that the ‘mark of the beast’ is the day, Sunday. To receive of it, one has to observe it.

    The forehead stamping signifies a decision one has to make whether to worship on that day or not. On the other hand, God has instructed us to observe the other day, seventh day Sabbath (Saturday).

    Thank God that it is possible to obey Him since “I (we) can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (us)” {Phillipians 4:13}.


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