#3 Symbols and Codes of the Bible: What they mean for us today!

The 2 Beasts of the End!

Prepared by: Simone Flynn


1. What are some more symbols to unlock Bible prophecies?
Revelation 17:15__________________________________________________________.
Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Hosea 3:1_______________________________.
Revelation 17:9-10; Daniel 2:38____________________________________________.
Note: Water has various meanings in the Bible. But in prophecy it means multitudes, or a populated area. One can then infer that the opposite, “the earth” in prophecies means an unpopulated area. A woman in prophecies represents a church, whether it’s a pure or impure church. Heads means mountains and Kings (thus Kingdoms).
2. Using historical facts and symbols, we have identified the “little horn/King of fierce countenance”/1st Beast of Revelation as Roman/Papacy? What other facts are given to confirm this truth?
Revelation 12:1-3,5-6,13-14______________________________________________.
Note: A woman/ God’s church with its spiritual characteristics is persecuted by a Great Red Dragon Beast with 10 horns (and some additional features) for 1260 years. This same Red Dragon Beast also attempted to kill “the man child”(Jesus) which we know was Herod and the Roman Empire. (Matthew 2:16).
3. How does the Bible fully describe the Papacy which is an extension of the Roman Empire?
Revelation 17:1-6,9,18___________________________________________________.
Note: A whore is an adulterous church (Hosea 3:1). She sits on many waters or multitudes. This adulterous woman/church is full of blasphemies and is guilty of martyrdom. She is known for precious jewels, and colors of scarlet and purple. She rides a scarlet colored Beast which is the political aspect, and has illicit relationships with Kings of the earth. And she spreads false doctrines around the world (the earth drunk with the wine of her fornication—Matthew 9:17). The Roman Catholic Church/adulterous woman is also called a “great city”, referring to Vatican City. Rome was actually built on seven hills (see article #1).
4. Several things happen to God’s true church/woman, during the 1260 years of Papal persecution (538-1798 AD), what are they?
Revelation 12:6,14-16__________________________________________________.
Note: When the serpent (Satan) through the Roman Catholic Church, (located in Europe) used multitudes like a flood to destroy God’s church, she went into the wilderness or an isolated area (see article #2). Then sometime during the 1260 years “the earth” helped God’s people/woman by swallowing up the flood (persecution).
5. What or who is the earth that helped the woman/God’s people from the Roman Catholic Church’s persecution in Europe?
Revelation 13:11______________________________________________________.
Note: A second Beast is seen (Kingdom/Nation) “coming up out of the earth” (growth in an unpopulated/isolated area). It has 2 horns like a lamb which points to Jesus/Christian qualities. (But it will later speak like a Dragon or take on Satan’s characteristics like the Papacy). This earth or place “helped the woman and swallowed up the flood” (ending the persecution). This second “lamb-like beast” that grows up in an unpopulated area, and takes on Christian characteristics of freedom of religion, democracy, republicanism and Protestantism is none other than the USA. During the years of Papal supremacy and persecution (538-1798 AD) in Europe, Christians (Pilgrims) began to flee to this mostly unpopulated land, the USA. The first pilgrims arrived in 1620 AD. See article #3.
6. What will be some of the outcomes when the first and second Beast begins to work together?
Revelation 13:11-16___________________________________________________.
Note: The second lamb-like beast (the USA) will begin to speak like a dragon, and take on the same characteristics as Rome/Papacy (the first beast). It will form “an image” to the first beast (the papacy) and begin to do similar persecution, silencing freedom of speech, prohibit the spread of true Protestantism etc. Protestantism will end, as the first and second beast begins to work together (See #4-Video). In fact, Protestant America will do something that will cause “the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast”—the Papacy (when it’s deadly wound is healed—revived power). Those who refuse to conform to this false worship system will be persecuted/killed. Within this false worshipping system is where we find the MARK OF THE BEAST and the “number of a man”, “his number is 666”. Notice also that American Protestantism also takes on a new form, with an emphasis on miracles or a false Holy Spirit power which is used as a form of spiritual deception. See #5–Video.
7. There is an ongoing controversy between God and Satan, which began in heaven and continues on the earth. What does this mean for Christians?
Revelation 12:7-12_____________________________________________________.
Ephesians 6:11-18______________________________________________________.
Revelation 3:21________________________________________________________.
Note: We must realize the reality of good and evil influences in the invisible and visible world. Daily, we are to use our spiritual tools to overcome Satan and sin. We gain power and strength to overcome sin through the blood of Jesus, and exercising our faith through our personal testimony or “letting our light shine.” Then we will be able to join Jesus in His throne in heaven.
Articles and Videos
1. http://www.welcometorome.net/en/about-rome/history/seven-hills
3. https://www.plimoth.org/learn/just-kids/homework-help/who-were-pilgrims
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PSV72Tjy8g
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvtePvhjCu0

Author: sparkthefire803912280

I love to travel, meet new people, learn about cultures, have engaging conversations and spread the love of God!

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