#2 Symbols and Codes of the Bible: What they mean for us today!

The Beast of the End Times!
Prepared by: Simone Flynn


1. What are 2 more symbols to unlock Bible prophecies?
Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34; Daniel 4:32________________________________.
Daniel 7-8,24___________________________________________________________.
Note: In prophetic messages, 1 day or “times” becomes 1 year. Horns are also symbolic for (secondary) Kingdoms. 12 months is one year in the Bible (Daniel 4:29). Also, 30 days is one month (Daniel 6:7)—using a lunar Calendar.
2. What’s the significance that the 4th Kingdom is mentioned, and then Jesus’ second coming?
Daniel 2:40-44__________________________________________________________.
Daniel 7:7-8,13_________________________________________________________.
Daniel 8: 21-25_________________________________________________________.
Note: The 4th beast with 10 toes or 10 horns, are 10 divided kingdoms  of the Pagan Roman Empire/kingdom. These were situated in what we know to be Europe today: Anglo-Saxon (England); Alemanni (Germany); Franks (France); Visigoth (Spain); Suevi (Portugal); Lombard (Italy); Burgundian (Switzerland); Vandal—Destroyed A.D. 534; Heruli—Destroyed 493; Ostrogoths—Destroyed 538. (See article #1 and 2 below). Emerging from the Roman Empire there is “a power/kingdom” that exists today, even until Jesus’ second coming.
3. What does the Bible call the “power/kingdom” that continues from the Roman Empire (4th Kingdom) until Jesus’ second coming?
Daniel 7:7-8;8:8,23______________________________________________________.
Note: “A little horn” with eyes like that of a man, and “a king of fierce countenance.” It comes up from among the 10 horns, thus it’s located in Europe. “Eyes like that of a man” also indicates that there is a strong male figure, or a man that has  “kingly” dominating power.
4. What historical event marked the official rise of this “little horn” power”?
Daniel 7:8,24___________________________________________________________.
Note: The “little horn” being also a symbol of a secondary kingdom, emerges from the Roman Empire (The Roman Empire reigned from BC 168—AD 476). Thus, in an effort to regain power, the Roman Empire fought with the 3 kingdoms above, and destroyed them. Then this “little horn” emerges to great power in Europe, starting in 538 AD after “uprooting” the last of the 3 Kingdoms.
5. What are some other significant descriptions of this “little horn” power?
Daniel 7:25______________________________________________________________.
Daniel 8:9-12____________________________________________________________.
Note: There are some historical and well known actions of this “little horn”: blasphemes God; persecute Christians for 1260 years; attempts to change God’s times and laws; magnify or put himself in the place of Jesus (Prince of the Host); sets up a counterfeit Sanctuary system (as was in the Old Testament, a copy of the heavenly sanctuary—Hebrews 8:5). Thus, it’s not only a political system, but also a religious system (but a counterfeit church system as it “casts the truth to the ground”).
6. Do we find these same characteristics of this “little horn” in the apocalyptic book of Revelation?
Revelation 13:1-8_________________________________________________________.
Note: Again, there is the same 10 horns beast with some additional features, or more information about this beast. The 1260 years of its reign is mentioned. Also, this political system and religion system has world-wide power and influence. This political-religion system is noted to blaspheme God and persecute God’s people. “Him/his” is used to refer to this power, which is an indication that it has a strong “kingly” male figure as mentioned in Daniel (and above). Though, it was wounded or lost power in 1798 AD, it will rise again to having great power that the world will “wonder” after this beast/Kingdom.
7. This political-religious system is said to be prosperous, though it’s a world-wide counterfeit system. How can we be sure not to be deceived by the false doctrines that it promotes around the world?
James 1:17; Matthew 6: 8-9________________________________________________.
John 1:1-3; Matthew 1:23__________________________________________________.
John 16:13; Galatians 5:22-23______________________________________________.
Note: There is a triune God in heaven that is intimately involved in the Plan of Salvation to save sinners. They are three individual Beings/Godhead, but they are in perfect unity/oneness. They “function” in various ways in the Plan of Salvation. We are to direct our requests to God the Father, through God the Son, by the power of God the Holy Spirit. Thus, we are to depend on our Triune God in their various “functions” to protect us for deception.
LET’S REVIEW: Which current kingdom/power perfectly fits this description of “little horn/a king of fierce countenance/The Beast”?
1. It historically “uprooted” or made war with, and destroyed the kingdom of the Vandals, Heruli and Ostrogoths. And in 538 AD, after destroying the last of these 3 Kingdoms, it began to reign.
2. It began its reign in 538 AD to 1798 AD, accomplishing 1260 years. During this 1260 years, it persecutes God’s people.
Note: Time=1 year=360 days; Times=2 years=720 days; Dividing of time or ½ year=180 days. The total is 1260 days or years (Daniel 7:25);
42 months x 30 days= 1260 days or years( Revelation 13:5)
3. It stems from or comes out of the Roman Empire, and is currently located in Europe. It is both a political and religious system which rises again (after falling in 1798) to world-wide power and influence.
4. It has a male prominent figure with “kingly” power that blasphemes God, or puts himself in God’s place to forgive sins etc.
Note: Jesus called Himself “I AM”, a title of God in the Old Testament, the Jew accused Him of blaspheme (as they rejected Him as the true God-Man or Messiah). Mark 14:62-64. Blaspheme is a man making himself as God, or taking on the prerogatives of God. John 10:33.
5. It has a counterfeit church system, imitating the Sanctuary system in the Old Testament: Priesthood; Priests making sacrifices, golden censors; forgiving sins etc.
6. It is historically known to attempt to change God’s times and laws. Thus, this little horn/Beast has been known to change the 10 commandments, and yearly calendar. See article #3, 4 and 5 below.

Who do you think this Beast/Little Horn/King of fierce countenance is?:
1. http://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/Bunch.txt
2. https://www.quora.com/How-did-Justinians-war-with-Ostrogothic-Italy-cripple-the-peninsula-more-than-the-collapse-of-the-Western-Empire
3. https://www.sabbathtruth.com/free-resources/article-library/id/916/catholic-church-admits-they-made-the-change
4. https://www.history.com/news/6-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-gregorian-calendar
5. http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/romancatholic-tencommandments.html

Conclusion: It’s none other than the Roman Catholic Church or Papacy which occupies present day Vatican City. No other Religious and Political system fits all these descriptions.

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Author: sparkthefire803912280

I love to travel, meet new people, learn about cultures, have engaging conversations and spread the love of God!

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