#1 From the Beginning to End: Bible Themes!

Creation—Science, Life and Death!


Prepared by: Simone Flynn

  1. What are some relevant scientific principles that God established from the beginning of this world?

Genesis 1:1-31; Genesis 2:1-4; Genesis 3:18-24

Your Notes:

My notes: The foundational needs for our survival and health, mental, physical and spiritual was given by God in the beginning: Sunlight, water, fresh air, plant based diet, exercise, temperance (balance life), rest, relationship with significant others and God. These are fundamental to life, and the foundation of true scientific studies for the health and happiness of humanity. For example, sunlight is needed for happiness and various vitamins. Fresh air is needed for good blood, better concentration etc. All the nutrients found in the soil is also needed for our bodies, thus a plant base diet remains superior.  The 7 days cycle in seen in some of our bodies’ function, and other living things. God gave us the ability to “be fruitful and multiply.” Thus, the continuation of human after the same pattern from beginning.  All aspects of scientific studies find their foundation in the resources that God created during the 7 day creation week.

  1. What is the cycle of life and death that still exists today and Satan’s counterfeits?

Genesis 2:7; Genesis 3:19; Job 10:9; Job 27:3; Psalms 104:29; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6; Isaiah 26:19

Your notes:

My Note: We have all heard the sayings: “He breathed his last breath” and “ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” These were taken directly from the Bible! God formed Adam and Eve from the dust of the ground and breathed into their nostrils the “breath of life,” and they became a living soul or human being (See Gen. 46:26-27). When someone dies, the opposite of this process occurs—“the last breath is breathed” and the body goes back to the dirt and decompose. But Satan said, “You shall not surely die!” This is believed by multitudes of even church folks (See Gen. 3:4). Thus, people are talking about “dying and going to heaven,” “out of body experiences,” “Seeing Ghosts.” etc. (See Leviticus 19:31; Isaiah 8:19-20). Satan’s primary focus is to counteract God’s truths—He can perform illusion, miracles, impersonations etc. in order to lead us away from God’s truths. Our only safety is to test everything by God’s words.

  1. Why did God accept Abel’s offerings and not Cain’s?

Genesis 4:1-12; Exodus 29:10-14; Leviticus 17:8-11; Hebrews 9:22; Hebrews 13:11-12

Your Notes:

My Notes: From the beginning, God pronounced that disobedience to His words/laws leads to death (Gen. 3:3). Also, from the beginning, there is a glimpse of the remedy for sin, a Substitute would die in the sinner’s place as a means of restoring eternal life. Thus, God replaced the fig leaves clothes that Adam and Eve made with an animal’s skin clothes—an innocent animal had to die (Gen.3:7,21). Then, God instructed Moses to begin a sacrificial system to teach the value of life, and the cost of sin through the death of cherished animals. The blood is the life of all our body’s systems (Lev. 17:14). Thus, blood symbolizes life. The functioning of our bodies are detected by blood tests. Perhaps God forbade the eating of blood (and fat) because we eat “the life” of that animals—their hormones, diseases etc. Lev. 16:25; Deut. 12:16, 23-24). The sacrificial system pointed to Jesus who had to shed His blood in order to offer us eternal life. Abel obeyed God, and sacrificed an animal’s life to make atonement for his sins. While Cain disobeyed God (presumption sin), and brought a fruit offering according to the dictates of his own mind. All who will be granted eternal life must accept the sacrifice of Jesus through His shed blood, and accepts His robe of righteous that covers our sin polluted lives (Rev. 7:14).

  1. What does it mean that the “sons of God” took the “daughters of men” as wives?

Genesis 6:1-7; Deuteronomy 7:1-4; Luke 20:27-36

Your Notes:

My Notes: Many hold a most ridiculous believe that the “sons of God” are angels that had sexual relationship with the “daughters of men.” Where is the Biblical evidence for this theory? Previous to this chapter, the lineage of Cain and Abel were mentioned. In this context of Able and Cain’s descendants, the “sons of God” are spiritually God’s children (Able’s descendants), while the “daughters of men” are the rebellious descendant of Cain. The “sons of God” and the “daughters of men” began to intermingled and married. What was the outcome? The wickedness of men became great upon the earth, and God’s heart was grieved. Thus, through these ungodly women, “the daughters of men,” the “sons of God” hearts were turned from God, and wickedness prevailed in the world which led to the world wide flood. There is a recurring theme throughout the Bible; God warns His people not to marry the ungodly, especially with a focus on men who should be the leaders of the family (See Gen. 24:3; Prov. 5:1-9; 1 Kings 11:1-4). Angels are all around us, they are “ministering spirits” that we cannot “normally” see with our eyes (see Ps. 104:4). The Bible doesn’t give any evidence of procreating angels. In fact, the Scriptures say the opposite! Only the “children of this world marry, and are given in marriage.” In heaven, we will be like angels who do not marry, “nor given in marriage.” At the time, people lived over 900 years old, and some where giants. This was a normal fact of life, not a result of angels and people procreating (See Num. 13:33).

  1. Who are the descendants of Ham that were cursed and why is this important for us today?

Genesis 9:18-27; Genesis 10:6-20; Genesis 17: 5-9; Deuteronomy 7:1-2; 9:5; Revelation 14:6-12

Your notes:

My Note: It’s almost a worldwide believe that “blacks” are Ham’s cursed descendants. But what does the Bible actually say, and why is it important? God made a covenant with Abraham and His descendants, the Israelites, who were Shem’s lineage. This covenant was based on obedience to God’s laws, which pointed to Jesus, “the seed” (see Gen. 3:15) whose shed blood would “ratify” the covenant (Heb. 9:12). On-the-other-hand, God predicted the rebelliousness of Ham’s descendants which was indicated by his perverseness in looking at his father’s nakedness. It was Ham’s descendants, the Canaanites that were cursed, and were told that they would be a servant of his brothers (Gen. 9:25). Centuries later, the Hivites that inhabited Gibeon, Ham’s descendants (Gen. 10:6-17) received this curse, and became the servants of the Israelites (the descendants of Shem). See Joshua 9:1-23; 11:19.  The Canaanites and the rest of the descendants of Hams were eventually wiped out because of their wickedness—receiving eternal death, which is the ultimate curse. It doesn’t matter the color of one’s skin, hair texture etc., anyone who rebels against God’s covenant becomes the enemy of God, and will face the ultimate curse of eternal destruction. Notice too that Ham’s descendants, the builder of Babel or Babylon became symbolic of a kingdom that openly defies God, and becomes a prominent figure in enforcing the Mark of the Beast–This is going to be a great test for us that are living in these last days! (Rev. 14:6-12; 17:1-8).

  1. What are some reasons that there was a great drop in longevity after the flood?

Genesis 5:1-9,25-32; Genesis 6:11-13; Genesis 7:6; Genesis 11:10-32; Psalm 90:10

Your Notes:

My thoughts: Do doubt, God purposefully lead Moses to record the ages of people before and after the flood. Immediately after the flood people’s age dropped significantly. And by the time it came to David’s generation, the average age dropped from in the 900’s before the flood, to 70 years old! The Bible records what seem to have been an “usual” and “strange” occurrence of Haran dying before his father after the flood (Gen. 11:28). The Bible gives us hints for some of the reasons that caused a great drop in longevity. First, their appeared to be some type of a canopy of water above and below the earth which both burst open during the time of the flood (Gen. 2:6; 8:1-3). After the flood, the condition of the earth changed, and the seasons began which no doubt affect our longevity (Gen. 8:20-22).The next observable reason for the drop in humanity’s longevity was that there was a change in our diet—Humanity began to eat meat. Even today, doctors recommend more fruits and vegetables in our diets, especially during sicknesses. Why? Because God formed us from the clay of the ground, and gave us a plant-based diet which has the same compositions as the clay or soil from which we were made (Gen. 2:7; 1:29). The foundation of a shorter life span is rebelliousness against God in all its forms. Through Jesus, we can be restored now and in heaven from all the maladies of sin! Jesus says, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10.

  1. Why did “Noah’s days” became a sign of the end time, and what is the warning for us?

Genesis 6:1-13; Genesis 7:7-12; Matthew 24:37-51; Revelation 22:11; Revelation 20:12-15

Your Notes:

My Notes: God notified humanity that they had 120 years, and then He would destroy the earth by a flood. This indicates God’s patience, but also a time factor when God has to intervene with drastic measures to solve the mounting sin problems. At the second coming it is said, “Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left.” Many churches have given their own interpretations that this alludes to a “secret rapture.” Where is the Bible evidence for this theory? In the context of the flood, there were two groups, the righteous that were saved in the ark, and the wicked who were destroyed by the flood. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the Bible, during times of God’s judgement two groups are revealed—the righteous and the wicked. The wicked, the “rejecters” of Jesus’ grace “carries on business as usual.” They are preoccupied with the cares of life. Jesus’ second coming will be a surprise to them, like a thief at night (1 Pet. 5:8; Luke 21:28). Thus, we are given the repeated warning, “watch…be ready…for in such an hour we think not the Son of man comes.” There is a Book of Life which contains all our deeds that God uses to judge us. We are living in a “probationary time,” when we can avail ourselves to God’s grace, and look forward to eternal life. But like the Ark’s door, there will come a time when “probation doors” will close, and only eternal death awaits the “rejecters” of God’s grace.

Spark-The-Flame Bible Studies